Chez CYLIMIT, la protection de vos données personnelles est une priorité. 

Lors de votre utilisation du site cylimit.com (le « Site ») et/ou de la plateforme CyLimit la « Plateforme »), nous sommes amenés à recueillir des données à caractère personnel vous concernant.

Le but de cette politique est de vous informer sur les modalités selon lesquelles nous traitons ces données en conformité avec le Règlement (UE) 2016/679 du 27 avril 2016 relatif à la protection des personnes physiques à l'égard du traitement des données à caractère personnel et à la libre circulation de ces données (le « RGPD »).

  • Qui est le responsable de traitement ?

Le responsable de traitement est la société CYLIMIT, société par actions simplifiée, immatriculée au RCS de Paris sous le n°917 501 298 et dont le siège social est situé au 6 rue d’Armaillé – 75017, Paris (« Nous »), 

  • Quelles données collectons-nous ? 

Une donnée personnelle est une donnée qui permet d’identifier un individu directement ou par recoupement avec d’autres données. 

Nous collectons des données qui relèvent des catégories suivantes :

  • Des données d’identification (nom, prénom, adresse email) ;

  • Des données relatives à votre achat de NFT ;

  • Des données relatives à vos courses (date de naissance, nationalité, temps, résultats et classements) ; 

  • Des données de connexion (logs de connexion, mots de passe chiffrés) ;

  • Si vous choisissez de vous connecter à l’aide d’un service d’authentification tiers (par exemple Google ou Facebook), certaines données comme votre nom et votre email peuvent être récupérées auprès de ce service. En choisissant cette modalité, vous acceptez que ledit service nous communique ces données. Nous ne collectons pas le mot de passe de votre compte tiers.

  • Des données de navigation (adresse IP, pages consultées, date et heure de connexion, navigateur utilisé, système d’exploitation, user ID, IFA);

  • Des données économiques et financières (données relatives à vos cartes bancaires) ;

  • Votre adresse publique de wallet ; 

  • Toute information que vous souhaitez nous transmettre dans le cadre de votre demande de contact.

Les données obligatoires sont indiquées lorsque vous nous fournissez vos données. 

  • Sur quelles bases légales, pour quels objectifs et pendant combien de temps conservons-nous vos données personnelles ?


Bases légales

Durées de conservation

Vous permettre notamment, via la création de votre compte, d’acheter les NFT disponibles sur notre Site via votre compte Metamask ou notre porte-monnaie électronique, jouer au fantasy game et accéder au marché secondaire de revente de NFT

Exécution du contrat que vous avez souscrit avec Nous

Lorsque vous vous êtes créé un compte : vos données sont conservées pour toute la durée de votre compte. 

Vos logs de connexion sont conservés pendant 6 mois ou 1 an.

En cas de compte inactif pendant 2 ans, vos données personnelles seront supprimées en l’absence de réponse de votre part à notre email de réactivation.

En outre, vos données peuvent être archivées à des fins probatoires pendant une durée de 5 ans.

Effectuer les opérations relatives à la gestion de nos clients concernant les contrats, commandes, factures, et suivi de la relation contractuelle avec nos clients

Exécution du contrat que vous ou votre société avez souscrit avec Nous

Les données personnelles sont conservées pendant toute la durée de la relation contractuelle.

En outre, vos données (à l’exception de vos coordonnées bancaires) sont archivées à des fins probatoires pendant une durée de 5 ans.

Concernant les données relatives à votre carte bancaire, elles sont conservées par notre prestataire de service de paiement.

Les données relatives au cryptogramme visuel ou CVV2, inscrit sur votre carte bancaire, ne sont pas stockées.


Constituer un fichier de clients et prospects

Notre intérêt légitime à développer et promouvoir notre activité

Pour les clients : les données sont conservées pendant toute la durée de la relation contractuelle.

Pour les prospects : les données sont conservées pendant un délai de 3 ans à compter de votre dernier contact, à des fins de prospection.

Adresser des newsletters, sollicitations et messages promotionnels

Pour les clients : notre intérêt légitime à fidéliser et informer nos clients de nos dernières actualités

Pour les prospects : votre consentement

Les données sont conservées pendant 3 ans à compter de votre dernier contact avec Nous ou jusqu’au retrait de votre consentement.

Répondre à vos demandes d’information

Notre intérêt légitime à répondre à vos demandes

Les données sont conservées pendant le temps nécessaire au traitement de votre demande d’information et supprimées une fois la demande d’information traitée.

Se conformer aux obligations légales applicables à notre activité

Se conformer à nos obligations légales et règlementaires

Pour les factures : les factures sont archivées pendant une durée de 10 ans.

Les données relatives à vos transactions (à l’exception des données bancaires) sont conservées pendant 5 ans.

Organiser des jeux-concours et opérations promotionnelles

Notre intérêt légitime à fidéliser notre clientèle et leur offrir des cadeaux

Les données sont conservées pendant toute la durée des jeux ou opérations promotionnelles et pourront être archivées pendant 5 ans à des fins probatoires.

Élaborer des statistiques à des fins de mesure d’audience du site

Notre intérêt légitime à analyser la composition de notre clientèle et améliorer nos services

Les données sont conservées pendant 1 mois

Gérer les demandes d’exercice de droits

Notre intérêt légitime à répondre à vos demandes et à conserver un suivi de celles-ci

Si nous vous demandons un justificatif d’identité : nous le conservons seulement pendant le temps nécessaire à la vérification d’identité. Une fois la vérification effectuée, le justificatif est supprimé.

Si vous exercez votre droit d’opposition à recevoir de la prospection : nous conservons cette information pendant 3 ans.

  • Qui sont les destinataires de vos données ? 

Auront accès à vos données à caractère personnel :

  • Le personnel de notre société ;

  • Nos sous-traitants : prestataire d’hébergement, prestataire d’envoi de newsletters, prestataire de mesure et d’analyse d’audience, prestataire de messagerie électronique, prestataire de paiement sécurisé, outil de création de formulaire en ligne, prestataire de comptabilité ; 

  • Le cas échéant : les organismes publics et privés, exclusivement pour répondre à nos obligations légales.

  • Vos données sont-elles susceptibles d’être transférées hors de l’Union européenne ? 

Vos données sont conservées et stockées pendant toute la durée des traitements sur les serveurs de la société Amazon Web Services (AWS), situés dans l’Union européenne.

Dans le cadre des outils que nous utilisons (voir article sur les destinataires concernant nos sous-traitants), vos données sont susceptibles de faire l’objet de transferts hors de l’Union européenne. Le transfert de vos données dans ce cadre est sécurisé au moyen des outils suivants :

  • soit les données sont transférées dans un pays ayant fait l’objet d’une décision d’adéquation de la Commission européenne, conformément à l’article 45 du RGPD : dans ce cas, ce pays assure un niveau de protection jugé comme suffisant et adéquat aux dispositions du RGPD;

  • soit les données sont transférées dans un pays dont le niveau de protection des données n’a pas été reconnu comme adéquat au RGPD : dans ce cas ces transferts sont fondés sur des garanties appropriées indiquées à l’article 46 du RGPD, adaptées à chaque prestataire, notamment de façon non exhaustive la conclusion de clauses contractuelles types approuvées par la Commission Européenne, l’application de règles d’entreprises contraignantes ou en vertu d’un mécanisme de certification approuvé.

  • soit les données sont transférées sur le fondement de l’une des garanties appropriées décrites au Chapitre V du RGPD.

  • Quels sont vos droits sur vos données ?

Vous disposez des droits suivants s’agissant de vos données personnelles :

  • Droit à l’information : c’est justement la raison pour laquelle nous avons rédigé la présente politique. Ce droit est prévu par les articles 13 et 14 du RGPD. 

  • Droit d’accès : vous avez le droit d’accéder à tout moment à l’ensemble de vos données personnelles, en vertu de l’article 15 du RGPD.

  • Droit de rectification : vous avez le droit de rectifier à tout moment vos données personnelles inexactes, incomplètes ou obsolètes conformément à l’article 16 du RGPD

  • Droit à la limitation : vous avez le droit d’obtenir la limitation du traitement de vos données personnelles dans certains cas définis à l’article 18 du RGPD.

  • Droit à l’effacement : vous avez le droit d’exiger que vos données personnelles soient effacées, et d’en interdire toute collecte future pour les motifs énoncés à l’article 17 du RGPD.

  • Droit d’introduire une réclamation auprès d’une autorité de contrôle compétente (en France, la CNIL), si vous considérez que le traitement de vos données personnelles constitue une violation des textes applicables, conformément à l’article 77 du RGPD.

  • Droit de définir des directives relatives à la conservation, à l’effacement et à la communication de vos données personnelles après votre mort. 

  • Droit de retirer votre consentement à tout moment : pour les finalités fondées sur le consentement, l’article 7 du RGPD indique que vous pouvez retirer votre consentement à tout moment. Ce retrait ne remettra pas en cause la légalité du traitement effectué avant le retrait.

  • Droit à la portabilité : selon certaines conditions précisées à l’article 20 du RGPD, vous avez le droit de recevoir les données personnelles que vous nous avez fournies dans un format standard lisible par machine et d’exiger leur transfert au destinataire de votre choix.

  • Droit d’opposition : en vertu de l’article 21 du RGPD, vous avez le droit de vous opposer au traitement de vos données personnelles. Notez toutefois que nous pourrons maintenir leur traitement malgré cette opposition, pour des motifs légitimes ou la défense de droits en justice.

Vous pouvez exercer ces droits en nous écrivant aux coordonnées ci-dessous. Nous pourrons vous demander à cette occasion de nous fournir des informations ou documents complémentaires pour justifier votre identité. 

  • Quels cookies utilisons-nous ?

Pour en savoir plus sur la gestion des cookies nous vous invitons à consulter notre Politique cookies.

  •  Point de contact pour exercer vos droits 

Email de contact : contact@cylimit.com

Adresse de contact : 6 rue d’Armaillé – 75017, Paris

  • Modifications

Nous pouvons modifier à tout moment la présente politique, afin notamment de nous conformer à toutes évolutions réglementaires, jurisprudentielles, éditoriales ou techniques. Ces modifications s’appliqueront à la date d’entrée en vigueur de la version modifiée. Vous êtes donc invité à consulter régulièrement la dernière version de cette politique. Néanmoins, nous vous tiendrons informé(e) de toute modification significative de la présente politique de confidentialité.

Entrée en vigueur : 02/12/2022




  • Identification of the Company and contacts


The company CYLIMIT (the « Company ») is a société par actions simplifiée (« simplified joint stock company ») registered at the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés (“Company and Trade Register”) of Paris under the number 917 501 298, which head office is located 6 rue d’Armaillé – 75017, Paris, France.


The Company can be contacted through the following contact details:

  • Address: 6 rue d’Armaillé – 75017, Paris, France
  • Email address: contact@cylimit.com


  • Purpose


The Company has developed a platform accessible at cylimit.com, allowing users (hereinafter the “Clients”) to access the following services (the "Services"):


  • The possibility of purchasing, on the Platform a non-fungible token (the “NFT(s)”), ie. a controllable electronic title recorded on Polygon blockchain (the“Blockchain”), linked to cards of different levels of rarity (the “Cards”) and each representing a cyclist (hereinafter the "Athletes"), in partnership with the Company (the “Cards”) (together the “Digital Collectible”);
  • The ability to buy, sell, trade or offer to another Client a Card through a dedicated marketplace on the Platform (the"Marketplace");
  • The ability to store Cards obtained on the Platform, but also cryptocurrency within a digital wallet hosted on the Blockchain and associated with each Client's account (hereinafter the"Wallet"), and to organize these Cards within a personal space attached to this same account (hereinafter the"Personal Space") ;
  • The ability to participate in games (“Games”) that allow Clients to win Cards based on the ranking of their own Card compared to other Client' Cards based on the actual performance of the selected Athletes.

  • Contractual documents


Functions of the general Terms and Conditions


The Terms and Conditions constitute the document governing the contractual relationship between the Company and the Clients, and define:

  • the terms and conditions of (i) purchase of the NFT and (ii) use of the Digital Collectible by the Clients, in particular the license on the Cards;

  • the participation of the Clients in the transactions in the primary market (“Primary market”) on the Platform, as well as the transaction between transferors and transferees, as defined below on the secondary market (“Secondary market”); 

  • the respective obligations of the parties.

  • as well as any Services provided on or through the Platform.

Location of the Terms and Conditions

The Client can find them by a direct link in the footer of the site of the Company (the “Site”) or on the Platform.

Terms of acceptance of the Terms and Conditions

The Client accepts the Terms and Conditions by checking a box at the time of the purchase. If the Client does not accept all of the Terms and Conditions, they cannot place bids or buy editions of Cards.


The applicable version of the Terms and Conditions is the one that can be viewed online on the Site on the date of the Client's purchase, a copy of which can be downloaded by the Client from the Site before any purchase.


They may be supplemented by specific terms, which, in case of contradiction, prevail over these Terms and Conditions.


  • Conditions of access to the Platform


The Client may be either:

  • a natural person with full legal capacity, or if not, the Client is at least 13 years old and has obtained the agreement of their legal representative, and they undertake to provide the Company with the email address of their representative so that it can contact them.

  • or a legal entity acting through a natural person who has the power or authority to enter into a contract in the name of and on behalf of the Client.


The Client may be either:

  • a consumer, understood as any natural person who acts for purposes that are not part of his/her professional activity.

  • or a professional, understood as any natural or legal person acting for purposes within the scope of their commercial, industrial, artisanal, liberal or agricultural activity, including when acting in the name of or on behalf of another professional.


  • Subscription to the Services


The Client must fill in the form provided for this purpose on the Platform.


The Client must provide the Company with all the information marked as mandatory.


Registration automatically opens an account in the Client’s name (the "Account") which allows the Client to access the Company Services using his/her login and password.


  • Wallet and payment


The Company provides to Clients who create an account on the Platform, under the conditions provided for in the section “Subscription to the Services” a unique and personal digital wallet basend on a supported blockchain-based (the “Wallet”) to ensure the conservation of the Digital Collectible and cryptocurrency authorized.


In their Wallet, Clients can store his Digital Colletible and cryptocurrencies authorised to function as a medium of exchange on the Blockchain and accepted as payment in all Services.


When Clients credit the Wallet with his own cryptocurrency it can do it through its own wallet Metamask or via the deposit of cryptocurrencies through the payment provider Ramp, after having accepted its general conditions.


Clients can also purchase NFT without using their Wallet and by credit card payments which are handled, through the Marketplace by the electronic money institution Stripe (the "Electronic Money Institution").


Clients contract directly with the Electronic Money Institution for the processing of such payments by accepting its terms and conditions by means of a checkbox.


  • Digital collectible features


The Company is offering for sale a Digital Collectible. Each Digital Collectible is a limited-edition digital asset comprised of an NFT and associated Cards.

  • NFT Features

The NFT is a nun-fungible token, ie. a controllable electronic title recorded on the Blockchain, of which the Client can acquire the property, including the right to buy and resale it to third party in the conditions of the smart contracts as defined below.


For each NFT, the Company creates its own custom-built smart contract specifying in particular the terms of sale of the edition(s) of such NFT (the “Smart contract”). The Smart contract is then deployed on the Blockchain.


The NFTs available on the Platform are categorized according to their level of scarcity. There are four levels of scarcity:


  • Blue

  • Pink

  • Yellow


The category to which each NFT belongs depends on the total number of NFTs of that type available for purchase on the Platform.


In particular, the Client is informed with the level of scarcity of the NFT, the Athletes represented on the Cards that are available for purchasing, and the price of each NFT.

  • Cards features


An NFT is always linked to a Card.


Nevertheless, the Company reserves the right to offer, free of charge or for a fee, Cards that are not associated with NFTs for the Games.


This Card will allow the Customer to play in Games.


Before placing an order online and in accordance, notably, with the provisions of article L. 111-1 of the French consumer code, the Client can acquaint himself, on the Platform, with the features of the Cards and the NFT that is offered for sale.

  • Available stock

The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to limit the number of Cards that may be purchased by any single Client. Cards are offered for online sale within the limit of available Cards stock, being specified that one Client can only own a maximum of X Cards.


  • NFT’ purchase
  • Price and Gas Fees

  • Price of the Digital Collectible

  • Auction on the Primary market


Before confirming a purchase, the Client has access to the amount of the bid or the price of the Digital Collectible (the “Price”), as well as the payment terms, directly on the Platform as set by the Company.


Once the Client confirms their transaction, the Client’s Wallet is automatically debited from the Price. The above Price are paid in USDC with cryptocurrency stored in the Client’s Wallet and the payment is handled by the Blockchain.

The Client acknowledges and accepts that a transaction:

  • cannot be proceeded if their Wallet does not contain enough cryptocurrency to pay the Price

  • cannot be cancelled: no refund will be issued by the Company under any circumstance (including accidental bid or dissatisfaction with the edition number of the NFT)


Clients can also purchase bid by credit card payments which are handled, through the Marketplace by the Electronic Money Institution. The amount thus bid in the auction is sequestered by the Electronic Money Institution.


If the Client does not win the auction by credit card, the Company shall promptly send a request to the payment provider to release the escrowed amount to the payment method used by the Client.[MM1] 


Client gets the Price back if they do not win the Auction.


Each edition of NFTs purchased will be sent to the Client’s Wallet address following the end of the Auction period and best efforts will be provided to send them as soon as possible on their Wallet from the end of the Auction period.


The auction periods are organized in advance and scheduled for specific dates and periods, specified on the Platform under each NFT edition(s).


All the prices indicated on the Platform are expressed in USDC.


The Client has also access to the details of the intellectual property rights associated to the Cards linked to the purchased NFT, which are detailed in the section “Intellectual Property”.


  • Price on the Secondary market


The Digital Collectible are sold at the price freely fixed by the Client, acting as transferor (the “Transferor”), on the Blockchain.

   In any case there is the CyLimit Fee for 0,05% (min 0,05$ or 0,05USDC).

  If it is by credit card, in order to cover the costs of the financial flows, there is additionally the most advantageous for the user between :

- the CyLimit Credit Card fee (25%) (min 0,35$ or 0,35USDC) (no CyLimit Fee of 0.05% in this case) and 

- the Ramp fee

Today, the CyLimit Credit Card is more advantageous for amounts < $10. For amounts > 10$, the Ramp fee is the most advantageous.

All the prices indicated on the Platform are expressed in USDC.


  • Gas Fees


Gas fees are fees paid to data miners to compensate the computing energy required to process and validate transactions on the Blockchain (the “Gas Fees”).


The Client only pays Gas Fees when they wish to deposit USDC to their Wallet via their own Metamask wallet.


In all other cases, the Gas Fees for the purchase of NFT on the Platform are paid by the Company.


  • Purchase’s confirmation and updates


At the end of the auction period, the Client will be able to see confirmation of the purchase directly on https://cylimit.com/my-team :

  • either that the bid has been successfully placed in case of auction,

  • or that the Client did not win the auction.


  • Collection of the edition of the Digital Collectible


Once the purchase process is completed the NFT will be transfered in the Client’s Wallet.


The Wallet, and therefore the editions of the NFT contained in it, is accessible by the Client from any platform on which the Client connects its Wallet (such OpenSea). The Client will be able to view the Card solely on the Platform.


  • Participating in the fantasy games on the Platform


Clients can participate in Games on the Platform that allow them to win Cards. The number of Games and their frequency are at the discretion of the Company.


When the Athlete represented on the Client Card scores points for his or her performance in real world ‘s, races, the Client Card earns points in the Company's ranking of Client Cards.


Depending on the ranking of the Card and the rules of the game indicated on the Platform, the Client may earn a Card with a varying level of rarity.


The Client is invited to read the rules of Games before taking part.

  • Right of withdrawal

This provision is applicable solely if the Client has the quality of consumer.


The Client does not benefit from the right of withdrawal provided for in the French Consumer Code since the NFTs offered on the Platform relate to the provision of digital content not provided in tangible form and that the Client has expressly (i) agreed that the services offered by the Company on the site shall begin as soon as his acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and (ii) waives his/her right of withdrawal.

  • Legal warranties of conformity applicable

This provision is applicable if the Client has the quality of a consumer.


  • It is recalled that, when acting under the legal guarantee of conformity in a contract for the supply of digital content or services, any consumer:

  • benefits from a period of time that depends on the period of supply of the digital content or service by the professional: (i) when the supply is one-off or consists of a series of separate supplies: the time limit to act is 2 years from the supply, or (ii) when the supply is continuous: the professional is responsible for the conformity which appear during the whole period of supply,

  • may, in case of lack of conformity, suspend the payment of all or part of the price or the delivery of the benefit provided for in the contract until the professional has met their obligations regarding the conformity of the digital content or service (under the conditions of Articles 1219 and 1220 of the French Civil Code),

  • may choose, in the event of lack of conformity, between bringing the digital content or service into conformity at no cost, without undue delay and without major inconvenience to them, or, failing that, to reduce the price or to terminate the contract in accordance with the conditions of Article L224-25-20 of the French Consumer Code. The Company may refuse to comply with the conditions set forth in Article L224-25-19 paragraph 1 of the French Consumer Code,

  • in case of termination of the contract, is not required to pay for the use they made of the digital content or service during the period, prior to the termination of the contract, during which this content or service was not compliant,

  • is exempted from proving the existence of the lack of conformity of the supply of the digital content or service during the 12 months following the supply,

  • It is also recalled that the legal guarantee of conformity applies independently of any commercial guarantee that may have been granted.

  • Any consumer may also decide to implement the warranty against hidden defects of the thing sold within the meaning of Article 1641 of the French Civil Code. In this case, the consumer can choose between the resolution of the sale or a reduction of the sale price in accordance with Article 1644 of the French Civil Code.


  • Maintenance, hosting and technical assistance of the Platform

  • Maintenance


The Client benefits from maintenance, in particular corrective and evolutive maintenance, for the term of use of the Platform. In this context, access to the Platform may be limited or suspended.


Concerning corrective maintenance, the Company shall make its best efforts to provide the Client with corrective maintenance to correct any malfunction or bug found on the Platform.


Concerning the evolutive maintenance, the Client benefits during the term of use of the Platform from an evolutive maintenance, which the Company may carry out automatically and without prior notice, and which includes improvements of the functionalities of the Platform and/or technical facilities used within the framework of the Platform (aiming at introducing minor or major extensions).


Access to the Platform may also be limited or suspended for planned maintenance purposes, which may include the above-mentioned corrective and evolutionary maintenance operations.


  • Hosting


The Company provides, under the terms of an obligation of means, the hosting of the Platform, as well as the data produced and/or entered by/on the Platform, on its servers or through a professional hosting provider.


  • Technical assistance


In case of difficulty encountered when using the Platform, the Client may contact the Company at the address mentioned in the Article "Identification of the Company".


  • Obligations and liability of the Clients


  • Obligations applicable to all Clients
  • Regarding the provision of information

  • The Client agrees to provide the Company with all information necessary for the connection and their activity on the Platform.

  • Regarding the Wallet and the Account


The Clients:

  • guarantees that the information transmitted for the connection to the Platform is accurate and undertakes to update it,

  • agrees that they shall not use or attempt to use another user’s wallet without authorization to access the Platform and benefit from the Services,

  • agrees that they shall not allow any third party to access to the Platform through its Wallet, or in their place or on their behalf. Any access to the Platform using their Wallet shall be deemed to have been made by the Client.


The Clients are solely responsible of their Wallets. The Company will not be able to recover purchased NFT for the Client in the event that they lose access to their Wallet or under any other circumstances.


The Client must immediately contact the Company at the address mentioned in the Article "Identification of the Company" if they notice that its Wallet has been used without their knowledge. The Client acknowledges that the Company shall have the right to take all appropriate measures in such a case.


  • Regarding the use of the Platform


The Client agrees to not access and use the Platform for any purpose other than those for which the Platform was designed, and in particular to:

  • carry out an illegal or fraudulent activity,

  • undermine public order and morality,

  • infringe upon third parties or their rights in any way whatsoever,

  • violate a contractual, legislative, or regulatory provision,

  • to carry out any activity likely to interfere in the computer system of a third party, in particular with a view to violating its integrity or security,

  • carry out any manoeuvres aimed at promoting its services and/or sites or those of a third party,

  • help or incite a third party to commit one or more of the acts or activities listed above.

The Client is also prohibited from:

  • copying, modifying, or misappropriating any element belonging to the Company or any concept it exploits in the context of these Terms and Conditions,

  • engage in any conduct that interferes with or hijacks the Company's computer systems or undermines its computer security measures,

  • infringe the financial, commercial, or moral rights and interests of the Company,

  • market, transfer or give access in any way whatsoever to the Platform and its contents, to the information hosted on the Platform or to any element belonging to the Company,

  • reverse engineer any aspect of the Services or do anything that might discover source code or bypass or circumvent measures employed to prevent or limit access to any part of the Services.


The Clients are responsible for the relationships that they may establish with other Clients and/or third party on the Blockchain. They undertake to act with discernment and respect the usual rules of politeness and courtesy in their exchanges with other Clients. In particular, the Company will not be responsible for transactions in the Secondary Market.


The Clients indemnify the Company against any claim and/or action that may be brought against it as a result of the breach of any of the Clients' obligations. The Clients shall indemnify the Company for any damage suffered and reimburse the Company for any sums the latter may have to bear as a result.


  • Regarding the Card


The Client is also prohibited from attempt to, or permit or enable any third party to:

  • separate the Card from the NFT,

  • modify the Card unless expressly permitted to do so pursuant the associated licence agreement,

  • register or attempt to register any trademark or copyright or otherwise acquire additional intellectual property rights in or to any Card,

  • use any Card to create, endorse, support, promote or condone any content, material or speech that is defamatory, obscene, pornographic, indecent, abusive, offensive, harassing, violent, hateful, racist, discriminatory, inflammatory or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate as determined by the Company at its discretion,

  • commercialize the Card or use the Card in connection with any business, message, product, or service, or in any manner that may imply endorsement of any business, message, product, or service,

  • use the Card in any manner that infringes, violates or misappropriates any third party intellectual property or intellectual property rights, or that violates the associated license agreement.


In particular, the Clients acknowledge and accept that they do not have more rights attached to the Card linked to the NFT they acquired than the rights defined in the section “Intellectual Property”.


The Company cannot be responsible for use of the Card by the Clients which exceeds the rights attributed to them.


The Digital Collectible are sold without the purpose of investing and/or realising a capital gain, although they may be resold via the Secondary Market.


  • Specific obligations for the Clients related to the Blockchain


The Clients are solely responsible for the use they make of the Digital Collectible acquired. It is their responsibility to check the suitability of the Digital Collectible for their specific needs and wishes prior to purchasing them.


The Clients accept and acknowledge that:

  • Digital Collectible are digital assets recorded and transferable on the Blockchain. Any transfer of a Digital Collectible occurs through automated processes on the Blockchain, which is not controlled in any capacity by the Company.

  • There are risks associated with using an internet-based digital asset, including but not limited to, the risk of hardware, software, and Internet connections, the risk of malicious software introduction, and the risk that third parties may obtain unauthorized access to information stored within the Wallet. The Company will not be responsible for any communication failures, disruptions, errors, distortions, or delays you may experience when effecting transactions involving Digital Collectible.


  • Obligations and liability of the Company
  • Regarding the accessibility of the Platform



The Company undertakes to carry out regular checks to verify the accessibility of the Platform and may thus carry out maintenance operations. However, the Company is not responsible for temporary difficulties or impossibilities of access to the Platform which would have for origin:

  • circumstances outside its network (and in particular the partial or total failure of the Clients' servers),

  • the failure of equipment, cabling, services or networks not included not under its responsibility,

  • the interruption of the Platform’s access due to telecom operators or Internet access providers,

  • the intervention of the Client, in particular via a bad configuration,

  • a case of force majeure.


The Company is responsible for the operation of its servers, whose outer limits are constituted by the connection points.


Furthermore, the Company does not guarantee that the Platform, which is subject to constant research to improve performance and progress, will be totally free of errors, defects or faults.


  • Regarding the purchase of the Digital Collectible


The Company does not provide the Clients with any guarantee as to the adaptation of the Cards to their needs, expectations or constraints.


When the Client uses an external wallet in order to credit the Wallet with his own cryptocurrency, the external wallet provider is a third-party company that offers unhosted digital wallet products and services. The Company is not in any way affiliated or partnered with external wallet providers. The Clients use of each external wallet provider’s products and services is subject to their applicable terms of service. The Company will not be liable to the Client for any loss that results from the Client’s use of an external wallet provider products and services, including Wallets.


In addition, the Company may be entitled to receive transfer or other fees or royalties from the Client’s purchase or subsequent sales of the NFT, which defray costs associated with the administration of the NFT ownership and corresponding Card’s license rights, and making any optional additional benefits available to the Client or Transferee of the NFT


  • Concerning the backup of data on the Platform


The Company shall make its best efforts to save any data produced and/or entered by/on the Platform.


Except in the case of proven faults on the part of the Company, it is nevertheless not responsible for any loss of data during maintenance operations.


  • Concerning data storage and security


The Company makes its best efforts to ensure the security of the data by implementing measures to protect the infrastructures and the Platform, to detect and prevent malicious acts and to recover the data.


  • Limitation of liability of the Company


The liability likely to be incurred by the Company hereunder is expressly limited solely to proven direct damage suffered by the Clients.


The Company shall not be liable for:

  • the non-execution or delay in the execution of transactions,

  • before the acquisition of a NFT, the loss or theft of such NFT, due to outer circumstances,

  • following the acquisition of an edition of a NFT by a Client, any damage that may occur to such NFT, and especially to the associated Card.


The Company is not responsible for subsequent sales of the NFT by the Client.


In case where the Client is a professional, it is agreed between the parties that the liability of the Company under these Terms and Conditions shall be limited to direct damages suffered by the Client, and shall be expressly limited to the two times the amount of the price received by the Company in payment of the NFT at the time of the purchase.


  • Ownership rights on the NFT


The Client acquires the property of the NFT that they purchased on the Platform.


Ownership of the NFT will be transferred to the Client as soon as the transaction is registered on the Blockchain.


Only ownership of the NFT, which is an intangible asset, will be transferred to the Clients. The risk of ownership of the NFT shall pass to the Clients at the time they take possession of the NFT.


  • Intellectual property rights


  • 12.1 Regarding the Platform


The Platform and the Site is the property of the Company, software, infrastructures, databases and content of any kind (texts, images, visuals, music, logos, brands, etc.) that it uses. They are protected by all intellectual property rights or database producers' rights in force. Any dismantling, decompilation, deciphering, extracting, reusing, copying and, more generally, any reproduction, representation, publishing or use of all or part of any these items, without the authorization of the Company is strictly prohibited and could be subject to prosecution.


  • 12.2 Regarding the Card(s)


The Cards is licensed to the Client.


Subject to the compliance with these Terms and Conditions, the Company grants to the Clients, for so long as they owns the NFT (as recorded on the relevant Blockchain), a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license, to use, copy, and display the Cards associated to their purchase of the NFT solely for the following purposes:

  • For participate in the Games,

  • for the Client own personal, non-commercial use (e.g., home display, display in a virtual gallery, or as a social media avatar from the operation of the Smart contract related to the Card),

  • including to create a reasonable number of back-up copies and a physical print out, each to be retained only for so long as the Client owns the associated NFT;


This right is personal and cannot be transferred or sub-licensed, exclusively except when the Client sells or transfer the NFT.


For the avoidance of doubt, this right does not include:

  • any right or license to use, copy, display or otherwise exploit the Card for any non-personal or commercial purposes, or to create any derivative works of the Card.

  • the right to create derivative works of the Card.


All rights in and to the Card not expressly provided for in this Terms and Conditions are hereby reserved by the Company. The Company owns and will retain all title, interest, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in and to the Cards.



  • Agreement of proof


Proof may be established by any means.


The Client is informed that the messages exchanged through the Platform as well as the data collected on the Platform and the Company's computer equipment constitute the main method of proof accepted, in particular to demonstrate the reality of the actions performed, editions of NFTs sold/bought and the calculation of their Price and corresponding Gas fees.


  • Personal data


The Company has a personal data protection policy available here. It invites the Client to read it.


  • Confidentiality


Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the parties undertake respectively to keep confidential, for the term of their contractual relationship and 3 years thereafter, all information relating to or held by the other party(ies), of which they may have become aware during the conclusion and performance of their contractual relationship.


This obligation does not extend to information:

  • of which the party receiving it was already aware,

  • already public at the time of its communication or which would become public without violation of this clause,

  • which would have been received from a third party in a lawful manner,

  • required to be disclosed by judicial authorities, in application of laws and regulations or to establish the rights of a party in the contractual relationship between the parties.


Confidential information may be passed on to the parties' respective employees, collaborators, trainees, agents and contracting partners, provided that they are subject to the same obligation of confidentiality.


  • Force majeure


The parties shall not be liable for any failure or delay in the performance of their contractual obligations due to force majeure occurring during the term of their relationship. The force majeure covers:


  • any case meeting the conditions of Article 1218 of the French Civil Code and recognized by the jurisprudence,

  • strikes, terrorist activities, riots, insurrections, wars, governmental actions, epidemics, natural disasters or failure attributable to a third-party telecommunications provider.


If one of the parties is prevented from performing its obligations due to force majeure, it must inform the other party(ies) by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The obligations shall be suspended upon receipt of the letter and shall be resumed within a reasonable period of time upon cessation of the force majeure.


The prevented party shall nevertheless remain liable for the performance of the obligations that are not affected by the case of force majeure and for any payment obligation.


  • Termination of the license on the Cards and effects of termination


The Client’s licenses on the Cards shall automatically terminate and all rights shall get back to the Company at any time, if:

  • the Client breaches any portion of these Terms and Conditions, including any failure to pay any Royalty Payment ;

  • the Client engages in any unlawful activity related to the Card,


Upon any termination, discontinuation or cancellation of the Client’s licenses to the Card, the Company may disable the Client’s access to the Card and the Client shall delete, remove, or otherwise destroy any back up or other digital or physical copy of the Card.


  • Sanctions for breach


Essential obligations (the "Essential Obligations") include:

  • payment of the Price and Royalty Payment for each transaction,

  • compliance with the Card’s license,

  • not to provide to the Company with erroneous or incomplete information,

  • not to carry out any of the prohibited activities and behaviours listed in the Article "Regarding the use of the Platform".


If the Client fails to comply with any of these Essential Obligations, the Company may:

  • suspend or terminate the access to the Platform,

  • notify any competent authority, cooperate with such authority and provide it with any information relevant to the investigation and prosecution of illegal or unlawful activities,

  • take any legal action.


These sanctions are without prejudice to any damages that the Company may claim.


In the event of a breach of any obligation other than an Essential Obligation, the Company will request the Client by any useful written means to remedy the breach within a maximum period of 15 calendar days. The present contract will be terminated at the end of this period if the breach is not remedied.


  • Mediation


In case of dispute relating to the execution of the present Terms and Conditions between the Company and the Client having the quality of a consumer, the Client has the right to use, free of charge, the services of a consumer mediator with the view to the amicable resolution.


To this end, the Client may contact the following consumer mediator:


Centre de médiation de la consommation de conciliateurs de justice (CM2C)

Postal address: 14 rue Saint Jean 75017 Paris

Number: 01 89 47 00 14



If the Client is a foreign consumer but located in the European Union, they can go to the European platform for the settlement of consumer law disputes accessible here.


  • Law and Jurisdiction


These Terms and Conditions are governed by French law.

 [MM1]Si le prestataire effectue une empreinte bancaire, il ne peut y avoir remboursement puisque la somme n’est pas prélevée.